Easiest Way to Prepare Perfect Water kefir

Water kefir. Water kefir, or tibicos, is a traditional fermented drink made by culturing water, sugar, and fruit with a starter culture. The starter culture contains various beneficial bacteria and yeasts that produce a. A happy bubbly, fruit-infused sparkling water, that is packed full of healthy probiotics that will energize the body and help heal the gut.

Water kefir Water kefir is a beverage favored for its fizzy flavor and probiotic content. This article reviews the benefits and uses of water kefir and provides a recipe. A simple Water Kefir Recipe including tips for making Coconut Water Kefir and caring for Water Kefir Grains. You can cook Water kefir using 3 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Water kefir

  1. You need of bibit kefir (saya : 2,5 sdt bibit water kefir).
  2. Prepare of air mineral (saya : 2,5 cup air).
  3. Prepare of gula (saya :3 sdm gula dark brown ricoman.

Make this healthy beverage at home today! Water Kefir (pronounced keh-FEER) is not as well known as milk kefir. Water kefir is a fermented, fizzy drink that has become a fast favorite among health-conscious consumers, all thanks to its delicious flavor, extensive nutrient profile and gut-boosting benefits. Water kefir is a healthy probiotic you can easily make.

Water kefir step by step

  1. Aduk gula dengan air hangat hingga gula larut..
  2. Setelah gula larut, masukkan air sebanyak 2,5 cup/tergantung uk wadah yah, bibit kefir. Klo wadahnya besar,,,maka gula,air, bibit menyesuaikan ukuran. Saya disini pake wadah uk 2,5 cup..
  3. Saya pake perbandingan ini..
  4. Masukkan bibit kefir, tutup. Saya tutup pake kain. Diamkan 24-48 jam di suhu ruang. Makin lama fermentasi makin asam air kefir yang dihasilkan..
  5. Saring (pake saringan plastik), pindahkan water kefir. Cuci bibit water kefir dengan air, buang kismis, cuci bersih toples keringkan. Ulangi lagi langkah 1. Bibit kefir akan bertambah banyak karena selama diberi air gula bibit kefir akan tumbuh..
  6. Water kefir yg sdh jadi bisa langsung dikonsumsi atau ditambah perasa seperti dicampur jus atau potongan jahe, dll. Fermentasi kan lagi 24 jam disuhu ruang, lalu simpan dalam kulkas. Silahkan berkreasi sesuai kesukaan teman teman semua..
  7. Ini saya bikin dua buah, dengan media air + dark brown sugar dan air+ gula batu organik warna kuning..

If kombucha is not for you or you have a dairy allergy, water kefir is a tasty healthy alternative. Water Kefir Grains are easy to use and making water kefir is very easy. Read on and follow our step by step guide on how to make water kefir at home. Water kefir making is not a difficult process once you have purchased the kefir grains. Find simple instructions and a basic recipe for water kefir making.


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